These are the codes in our Administration area, credits to
-> please make sure you have a connection with the database:
1. Let's start with ADDING along with INSERTING IMAGE form:<?phperror_reporting(0);session_start();include("dbconnect.php");$action = $_REQUEST['action'];?>
echo "<CENTER><form action='admin.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center> Add Profile </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td> Firstname: </td><td><input type=text name=denfname size=30></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td> Lastname: </td><td><input type=text name=denlname size=30></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td> Address: </td><td><input type=text name=denaddress size=30></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td> Gender:<td><select name=dengen><option name=dengen> Male";
echo "<option name=dengen> Female"; echo "</select></td>";
echo "<tr><td> Add picture: </td><td><input type=file name=logo size=20></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td align=center colspan=2><input type=submit name=submit value='add dentist'></td></tr>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=YOUR_ACTION>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
*then your query for YOUR_ACTION
elseif($action=="YOUR_ACTION"){if ($_FILES['logo']['name'] != "") {$imageInfo = getimagesize($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']); // get image size$width = $imageInfo[0]; // image width$height = $imageInfo[1]; // image heightif($height > 2000 || $width > 2000){echo "<script> alert('Image is to big! Try to resize the picture!') </script>";exit;} // check size$newimg1 = date("YmdHis").".jpg"; // set name for new image$newimg2 = date("YmdHis").".pdf"; // set name for pdf if is necesaryif(stristr($_SERVER['OS'],"win")){$path = "prodimg/";} // determin path of image folderelseif(stristr($_SERVER['OS'],"linux")){$path = str_replace("admin.php","",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "prodimg/";}else {$path = "prodimg/";}move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'], $path . $newimg1 );} // copy image in image folderelse{$newimg1="pc.gif";} // if is not posible than set image name as pc.gif$denfname = $_POST['denfname'];$denlname = $_POST['denlname'];$denaddress = $_POST['denaddress'];$dengen = $_POST['dengen'];$res2 = mysql_query("insert into dentists(denfname,denlname,denaddress,dengen,denpicture)values('$denfname','$denlname','$denaddress','$dengen','$newimg1')");echo "<script>location.replace('admin.php?action=showalldentists')</script>";}
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